MCross Interface

MCross does cross-correlations and autocorrelations of spike data. The program interface shown here enables and disables various fields for data entry as needed, depending on the task selected.

MCross Results Display

This is the output generated by a sample auto-correlation. The high peak in the center of each graph shows that a strong correlation exists in the data.

EyeDisplay Interface

The EyeDisplay program reads the subject's recorded eye position over time from the datafile and displays it as a pair of graphs showing movement in the X and Y dimensions over time. The interface allows the user to select the time period and specific experimental class they wish to examine.

EyeDisplay Output

The dotted blue line marks the location of the image the subject is to look at, and the vertical rolex replica watch lines mark the times of various events (11, 13, 15, 16, and 17) during the trial. This displays a successful trial, shown by how the eye position (irregular black line) remains fake breitling watches within the allowed window of movement (shown by the red dotted lines) for the duration of the trial (start marked as event 11 and end as the second event 16).

EyeDisplay Output

This trial was not a success, as the subject's gaze moved out of the allowed window just before the time marked as event 18.

Raster Real-Time Display

The Raster program displays the activity in individual neurons during the experiment. Here, each horizontal line represents one trial. The small black tic marks show each time the neuron being examined fired. The rolex perpetual vertical grey lines are placed to mark pre-defined events in the trial, that the neuron may be responding to. Since these events can occur at slightly different times in each trial, the grey lines are not exactly lined up. This is relatively early in the experiment, so only a few trials are shown. Four different neurons are being examined, one in each of the four windows.
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Raster Real-Time Display

This is later in the same experiment. The increased activity of the neurons in the first two windows (Spike 1 and Spike 3) in some of the trials can be seen in the second time period marked out by the grey lines.
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Raster Real-Time Display

The experiment has concluded. Increased response in classes 1-4 of Spike 1 and classes 4-6 of Spike 3 have been recorded, along with what might be a weak response in classes 4-8 of Spike 7. Spike 6 has not responded to the conditions of the experiment.
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